Business Solutions | Technology

    What is MU – MIMO?

    Wi-Fi connection tends to get slower with more & more devices connecting to the access point. Lately, with the ‘Work from Home’ scenes and everyone using the Wi-Fi AP at the same time, the connection dwindles too. The issue is because most routers communicate with just one device at one time. The SU-MIMO (single-user MIMO) …

  • Wi-Fi6 is everywhere
    Business Wifi Network

    Have you secured your places of work & houses with Wi-Fi 6 yet?

    The one thing that all of us are dependent on, in this 21st century is ‘Technology’. With 2020 passing by and life still continuing to be at home in 2021, the dependency on technology is increasing day by day. Apparently, that is the only thing that is keeping us connected and managing work too. With …

  • Technology

    Evolution of WiFi – Then and Now

    With time, these standards and the bandwidths they operated in kept evolving to cater to the increasing demands of users. Starting from 1999, when it was initially made available to consumers across the world, let’s have a look at how WiFi frequencies and WiFi have evolved over the decades.